Terms & Conditions
Welcome to Shop it,
Shop It Terms & Conditions
Shop It is a platform that allows personal shoppers to provide shopping and purchasing services on behalf of the beneficiary, whether within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or internationally, with delivery to their homes or any pre-designated address specified by the customers. Shop It provides the opportunity for customers to choose the suitable offer from personal shoppers who handle the entire purchasing and shipping process, in accordance with the following terms and conditions:
Article 1: Introduction
This platform is owned by Attajir Almobashir (L.L.C.) a company licensed by the Ministry of Commerce in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under commercial registration number 2050144985 and dated 21/09/1442 AH, VAT No. 311245696800003
The terms and conditions outlined below represent a legally binding contract between the parties (whether you are a natural or legal person) and Direct Merchant Commercial Company, which is the owner and developer of the "Shop it" platform and the owner of the Shop it trademark, registered with the Ministry of Commerce in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
By logging into the platform and agreeing to the terms and conditions and privacy policy, the contract is deemed to have been concluded, and its legal effects have arisen. Therefore, you must read these terms carefully, and we recommend that you keep a copy of these terms and conditions by requesting them via email, so that you can refer to them in the future. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please stop using the "Shop it" platform immediately. Continuing to use it constitutes your agreement to these terms and conditions.
Article 2: Entire Agreement
The above introduction is an integral part of these terms and conditions and complements and explains them.
Article 3: Definitions
Beneficiary: Any person who creates an account on the Shop it platform to view or benefit from its services.
Stores: Personal shoppers who participate in the Shop it platform for marketing or profit purposes.
Article 4: Shop it Platform Services
The Shop it platform aims to facilitate access for personal shoppers by connecting them with stores, which enhances trust and provides a number of product options for the beneficiary. The beneficiary can order products electronically from shop it team or stores participating in the platform and take advantage of any offers, benefits, or discounts, if available.
The platform acts as a link between the beneficiary and the store, not on behalf of either party, to facilitate transactions between them. Each of the platform and the store participating in the platform is an independent legal entity with its own obligations and responsibilities towards the beneficiary. Any new feature or service added to the platform is subject to the terms and conditions of the contract unless otherwise specified.
Article 5: Nature of the Relationship
The services provided by the platform, as referred to in the previous article, are adapted as intermediary and linking services between the beneficiary and the stores, not on their behalf, in accordance with Article 18 of the Electronic Commerce System Regulation.
Section 6: Beneficiary's Responsibilities
The platform beneficiary is committed to entering accurate data and information without alteration, tampering, or forgery. In the event of any violation, the user shall be responsible for any legal liability arising from such violation, whether against the platform or one of the stores.
It is not permissible for any user to identify himself as another beneficiary or person, and each person must identify himself only. The platform is not responsible for any losses or damages, whether direct or indirect, resulting from unauthorized use.
The beneficiary acknowledges that he/she has reached the age of eighteen, and the platform administration has the right to cancel any account upon discovering a violation of this condition.
The beneficiary has the right to access, modify, or delete his/her personal data, and also to extract all his/her personal data from the platform. In addition, the beneficiary has the right to object to or refuse any operations or processing of his/her personal data.
The beneficiary agrees to the payment policy and the exchange and return policy stated on the platform, and also agrees to the changes made by the platform to these policies.
The ownership of personal information belongs to the beneficiary, and the beneficiary agrees to allow the platform to enable stores to access the data and information resulting from the operations and services provided or from the processing of personal information for marketing and development purposes, without reference or linking to the identity of the beneficiary. Additionally, an agreement will be signed with the stores obligating them to maintain all the information and data that they are enabled to access or provided with.
The beneficiary alone is responsible for all activities that occur on his/her account, and must immediately notify the platform administration of any system breach or unauthorized use of his/her account.
The beneficiary is responsible for keeping the account password confidential, and the beneficiary shall bear the full consequences of any operation carried out on the user's account as a result of his/her negligence or failure to maintain the confidentiality of his/her data.
It is the responsibility of the beneficiary to demand the store to fulfill its obligations, and the platform shall not be responsible for any liability towards the beneficiary in the event of the store's failure to fulfill its obligations towards the beneficiaries.
The beneficiary must notify the platform of any change in his/her mobile phone number, email, or any of his/her personal information by updating his/her profile.
The beneficiary is prohibited from publishing, copying, or transferring any of the platform's information, images, videos, posts, files, data, or any of its consequences, including the personal file.
The beneficiary grants full authority and authorization to Shop It platform, service providers (personal shoppers), or any third party appointed by Shop It, to shop, purchase, receive the product on behalf of the beneficiary, and ship it to any pre-designated address specified by the beneficiary.
Section 7: Platform Responsibilities
The (Shop It) platform reserves the right to change or update the terms and conditions or the privacy policy at any time and notify you immediately in the event of such changes.
The platform has the right to use all personal information registered by the beneficiary on the platform or data resulting from his/her use of the platform, without reference or linking to the identity of the beneficiary, for the purpose of operating or developing the platform itself or the stores associated with it or for any other purpose stipulated in this agreement.
If the (Shop It) platform contracts with other parties for the purpose of developing or analyzing data recorded on the platform or for any other purpose that requires these parties to access the data of the beneficiaries, the direct merchant company ensures that these contracting parties are subject to the same privacy policy standards to protect the beneficiaries' information.
The platform deals with its beneficiaries without any racial discrimination based on, among other things, ethnicity, color, tribe, religion, denomination, ideology, age, or any other category.
Article 8: Acceptance of Terms of Use
Your use of the (Shopit) platform signifies your agreement to the terms and conditions, privacy policy, regulations, and terms governing the use of the platform. If you do not agree with these terms and policies, you must not use the platform. You acknowledge that continuing to use the platform after any changes to these terms or the privacy policy on the platform will constitute your agreement to these changes.
Article 9: Amendments and Changes to the Terms of Use
The platform reserves the right to change or update the terms and conditions at any time and is responsible for notifying the user of any changes made to the terms and conditions immediately upon their occurrence.
Article 10: Payment Policy
Payment is made through any of the approved methods by Shopit and indicated on the payment page. The user has the right to cancel the order and request a refund in any of the following cases:
The store is delayed in delivering the order for a period exceeding fifteen (15) working days from the agreed delivery date.
Any of the cases listed in the exchange and return policy occur.
Article 11: Mechanism for Receiving and Handling User Complaints
User complaints are received through the platform's email or social media channels.
The platform is committed to responding to the complaint within 5 working days from the date of receipt and indicating in its response the time required to address the complaint.
Article 12: Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights
All content on the Shopit platform, including but not limited to: content, design, graphics, compilation, digital conversion, and others, is owned by the Direct Merchant Trading Company. All of these rights are subject to protection under copyright laws, trademarks, intellectual property rights, and other related laws. It is strictly prohibited to use, copy, redistribute, or print any of these materials or any part of them from the platform, except within the limits allowed by the applicable laws in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
All words and logos on the Shopit platform are owned by the Direct Merchant Trading Company, whether they are registered trademarks, designs, phrases, logos, or unregistered words, and are subject to protection under intellectual property laws. All other trademarks that appear on the application and are not owned by the Direct Merchant Trading Company are owned by their respective owners.
Article 13: Disclaimer of Liability
The platform and its owning company do not guarantee or assume any responsibility in the following cases:
Any dispute or conflict that arises between the beneficiary and the stores, regardless of the reason, and the platform does not bear any legal consequences for this dispute.
If the stores enter incorrect or inaccurate information about products, such as measurements, materials, place of manufacture, or others...
If any of the beneficiaries experience any health problems or other damages as a result of using the stores' products shared on the platform.
Any direct or indirect damages, losses, or obligations regarding the stores' failure to fulfill the benefits and discounts due to the beneficiary, and the consequences arising from that.
Any direct or indirect damages, losses, or incidental obligations related to the services provided by the stores to the beneficiary, and any errors, malfunctions, omissions, or other misconduct that may result from that, and the store alone is responsible for that and must compensate for it.
The incorrect disclosure of the beneficiary's stored information due to an error by any party or unauthorized or unlawful acts of other parties, and the platform does not guarantee any losses or damages that may result from that.
Any negligence, malfunction, technical or technological errors on the store's page on the platform.
Any unauthorized or illegal use on the platform, or any use contrary to the laws and regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by the user, and the platform does not assume any responsibility for that regarding legal proceedings and penalties.
The Direct Merchant Trading Company endeavors to make the platform free of viruses, spyware, harmful cookies, or any other harmful content to the best of its efforts, but Shopit platform and the Direct Merchant Trading Company do not assume any responsibility for any damages that may affect the beneficiary's phone or any other device used on the platform, such as viruses, breaches, or espionage, and the beneficiary alone is responsible for protecting their device.
Article 14: Termination of the Contract
The Shopit platform or its owning company has the right to terminate the contract immediately at any time without obligation to notify the beneficiary by disabling the beneficiary's use of the platform or the services and benefits granted to the beneficiary through using the platform in the following cases:
- Violation or breach of any of the terms of use
- Misuse of the platform and the services provided through the platform
Article 15: Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
This contract is subject to the applicable laws in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in its interpretation, implementation, and all its aspects. In case of any dispute between the parties related to the platform, the competent judicial authority in the city of Dammam in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia shall have jurisdiction. In case of any discrepancy or conflict between this version and the English version or any other version translated by the platform, the Arabic version shall be the approved and decisive version.