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Advanced search migration style guide

Create a new advanced search migration

This functionality is only supported for indices created in GitLab 13.0 and later.

With a script

Version history

Execute scripts/elastic-migration and follow the prompts to create:

  • A migration file to define the migration: ee/elastic/migrate/YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_migration_name.rb
  • A spec file to test the migration: ee/spec/elastic/migrate/YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_migration_name_spec.rb
  • A dictionary file to identify the migration: ee/elastic/docs/YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_migration_name.yml


Version history

In the ee/elastic/migrate/ folder, create a new file with the filename format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_migration_name.rb. This format is the same for Rails database migrations.

# frozen_string_literal: true

class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
  # Important: Any updates to the Elastic index mappings must be replicated in the respective
  # configuration files:
  #   - `Elastic::Latest::Config`, for the main index.
  #   - `Elastic::Latest::<Type>Config`, for standalone indices.

  def migrate

  # Check if the migration has completed
  # Return true if completed, otherwise return false
  def completed?

Applied migrations are stored in gitlab-#{RAILS_ENV}-migrations index. All migrations not executed are applied by the Elastic::MigrationWorker cron worker sequentially.

To update Elastic index mappings, apply the configuration to the respective files:

Migrations can be built with a retry limit and have the ability to be failed and marked as halted. Any data or index cleanup needed to support migration retries should be handled in the migration.

Skipped migrations

You can skip a migration by adding a skip_if proc which evaluates to true or false:

class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
  skip_if ->() { true|false }

The migration is executed only if the condition is false. Skipped migrations will not be shown as part of pending migrations.

Skipped migrations can be marked as obsolete, but the skip_if condition must be kept so that these migrations are always skipped. Once a skipped migration is obsolete, the only way to apply the change is by recreating the index from scratch.

Update the skipped migration's documentation file with the following attributes:

skippable: true
skip_condition: '<description>'

Migrations for index settings and mappings changes

Changes to index settings and mappings are not immediately available to an existing index but are applied to newly created indices.

To apply setting changes, for example adding an analyzer, either:

To apply mapping changes, either:

Zero-downtime reindex migration

Creates a new index for the targeted index and copies existing documents over.

class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
  def migrate
    Elastic::ReindexingTask.create!(targets: %w[Issue], options: { skip_pending_migrations_check: true })

  def completed?

Migration helpers

The following migration helpers are available in ee/app/workers/concerns/elastic/:


Backfills a specific field in an index. In most cases, the mapping for the field should already be added.

Requires the field_name method and DOCUMENT_TYPE constant to backfill a single field.

class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
  include Elastic::MigrationBackfillHelper



  def field_name

Requires the field_names method and DOCUMENT_TYPE constant to backfill multiple fields if any field is null.

class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
  include Elastic::MigrationBackfillHelper



  def field_names
    %w[schema_version visibility_level]


Updates a mapping in an index by calling put_mapping with the mapping specified.

Requires the new_mappings method and DOCUMENT_TYPE constant.

class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
  include Elastic::MigrationUpdateMappingsHelper



  def new_mappings
      schema_version: {
        type: 'short'


Removes specified fields from an index.

Requires the index_name, document_type methods. If there is one field to remove, add the field_to_remove method, otherwise add fields_to_remove with an array of fields.

Checks in batches if any documents that match document_type have the fields specified in Elasticsearch. If documents exist, uses a Painless script to perform update_by_query.

class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
  include Elastic::MigrationRemoveFieldsHelper

  throttle_delay 1.minute


  def index_name

  def document_type

  def fields_to_remove
    %w[two_factor_enabled has_projects]

The default batch size is 10_000. You can override this value by specifying BATCH_SIZE:

class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
  include Elastic::MigrationRemoveFieldsHelper

  BATCH_SIZE = 100



Marks a migration as obsolete when it's no longer required.

class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
  include Elastic::MigrationObsolete

When marking a skippable migration as obsolete, you must keep the skip_if condition.


Creates a new index.


  • The target_class and document_type methods
  • Mappings and index settings for the class

You must perform a follow-up migration to populate the index in the same milestone.

class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
  skip_if ->() { true|false }

#### `Search::Elastic::MigrationReindexBasedOnSchemaVersion`

Reindexes all documents in the index that stores the specified document type and updates `schema_version`.

Requires the `DOCUMENT_TYPE` and `NEW_SCHEMA_VERSION` constants.
The index mapping must have a `schema_version` integer field in a `YYWW` (year/week) format.

Previously index mapping `schema_version` used `YYMM` format. New versions should use the `YYWW` format.

class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
  skip_if ->() { true|false }

#### `Search::Elastic::MigrationDeleteBasedOnSchemaVersion`

Deletes all documents in the index that stores the specified document type and has `schema_version` less than the given value.

Requires the `DOCUMENT_TYPE` constant and `schema_version` method.
The index mapping must have a `schema_version` integer field in a `YYWW` (year/week) format.

Previously index mapping `schema_version` used `YYMM` format. New versions should use the `YYWW` format.

class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
  skip_if ->() { true|false }

#### `Search::Elastic::MigrationDatabaseBackfillHelper`

Reindexes all documents in the database to the elastic search index respecting the `limited_indexing` setting.

Requires the `DOCUMENT_TYPE` constant and `respect_limited_indexing?` method.

class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
  skip_if ->() { true|false }

#### `Elastic::MigrationHelper`

Contains methods you can use when a migration doesn't fit the previous examples.

class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
  skip_if ->() { true|false }

### Migration options supported by the `Elastic::MigrationWorker`

[`Elastic::MigrationWorker`]( supports the following migration options:

- `batched!` - Allow the migration to run in batches. If set, [`Elastic::MigrationWorker`](
  re-enqueues itself with a delay which is set using the `throttle_delay` option described below. The batching
  must be handled in the `migrate` method. This setting controls the re-enqueuing only.

- `batch_size` - Sets the number of documents modified during a `batched!` migration run. This size should be set to a value which allows the updates
  enough time to finish. This can be tuned in combination with the `throttle_delay` option described below. The batching
  must be handled in a custom `migrate` method or by using the [`Elastic::MigrationBackfillHelper`](
  `migrate` method which uses this setting. Default value is 1000 documents.

- `throttle_delay` - Sets the wait time in between batch runs. This time should be set high enough to allow each migration batch
  enough time to finish. Additionally, the time should be less than 5 minutes because that is how often the
  cron worker runs. The default value is 3 minutes.

- `pause_indexing!` - Pause indexing while the migration runs. This setting records the indexing setting before
  the migration runs and set it back to that value when the migration is completed.

- `space_requirements!` - Verify that enough free space is available in the cluster when the migration runs. This setting
  halts the migration if the storage required is not available when the migration runs. The migration must provide
  the space required in bytes by defining a `space_required_bytes` method.

- `retry_on_failure` - Enable the retry on failure feature. By default, it retries
  the migration 30 times. After it runs out of retries, the migration is marked as halted.
  To customize the number of retries, pass the `max_attempts` argument:
  `retry_on_failure max_attempts: 10`

class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
  skip_if ->() { true|false }

## Avoiding downtime in migrations

### Reverting a migration

If a migration fails or is halted on, we prefer to revert the change that introduced the migration. This
prevents self-managed customers from receiving a broken migration and reduces the need for backports.

### When to merge

We prefer not to merge migrations within 1 week of the release. This allows time for a revert if a migration fails or
doesn't work as expected. Migrations still in development or review during the final week of the release should be pushed
to the next milestone.

### Multi-version compatibility

Advanced search migrations, like any other GitLab changes, need to support the case where
[multiple versions of the application are running at the same time](../

Depending on the order of deployment, it's possible that the migration
has started or finished and there's still a server running the application code from before the
migration. We need to take this into consideration until we can
[ensure all advanced search migrations start after the deployment has finished](

### High risk migrations

Because Elasticsearch does not support transactions, we always need to design our
migrations to accommodate a situation where the application
code is reverted after the migration has started or after it is finished.

For this reason we generally defer destructive actions (for example, deletions after
some data is moved) to a later merge request after the migrations have
completed successfully. To be safe, for self-managed customers we should also
defer it to another release if there is risk of important data loss.

## Calculating migration runtime

It's important to understand how long a migration might take to run on Derive the number of documents that
will be processed by the migration. This number may come from querying the database or an existing Elasticsearch index.
Use the following formula to calculate the runtime:

class MigrationName < Elastic::Migration
  skip_if ->() { true|false }

## Best practices for advanced search migrations

Follow these best practices for best results:

- Order all migrations for each document type so that any migrations that use
  are executed before migrations that use the
  [`Elastic::MigrationBackfillHelper`](#elasticmigrationbackfillhelper). This avoids
  reindexing the same documents multiple times if all of the migrations are unapplied
  and reduces the backfill time.
- When working in batches, keep the batch size under 9,000 documents.
  The bulk indexer is set to run every minute and process a batch
  of 10,000 documents. This way, the bulk indexer has time to
  process records before another migration batch is attempted.
- To ensure that document counts are up to date, you should refresh
  the index before checking if a migration is completed.
- Add logging statements to each migration when the migration starts, when a
  completion check occurs, and when the migration is completed. These logs
  are helpful when debugging issues with migrations.
- Pause indexing if you're using any Elasticsearch Reindex API operations.
- Consider adding a retry limit if there is potential for the migration to fail.
  This ensures that migrations can be halted if an issue occurs.

## Cleaning up advanced search migrations

Because advanced search migrations usually require us to support multiple
code paths for a long period of time, it's important to clean those up when we
safely can.

We choose to use GitLab [required stops](../database/ as a safe time to remove
backwards compatibility for indices that have not been fully migrated. We
[document this in our upgrade documentation](../../update/

[GitLab Housekeeper](
is used to automate the cleanup process. This process includes
marking existing migrations as obsolete and deleting obsolete migrations.
When a migration is marked as obsolete, the migration code is replaced with
obsolete migration code and tests are replaced with obsolete migration shared
examples so that:

- We don't need to maintain any code that is called from our advanced search
- We don't waste CI time running tests for migrations that we don't support
- Operators who have not run this migration and who upgrade directly to the
  target version see a message prompting them to reindex from scratch.

To be extra safe, we do not clean up migrations that were created in the last
minor version before the last required stop. For example, if the last required stop
was `%14.0`, we should not clean up migrations that were only added in `%13.12`.
This extra safety net allows for migrations that might take multiple weeks to
finish on Because our deployments to
are automated and we do not have automated checks to prevent this cleanup,
the extra precaution is warranted.
Additionally, even if we did have automated checks to prevent it, we wouldn't
actually want to hold up deployments on advanced search migrations,
as they may still have another week to go, and that's too long to block

### Process for marking migrations as obsolete

Run the [`Keeps::MarkOldAdvancedSearchMigrationsAsObsolete` Keep](
manually to mark migrations as obsolete.

For every migration that was created two versions before the last required stop,
the Keep:

1. Retains the content of the migration and adds a prepend to the bottom:

    ClassName.prepend ::Elastic::MigrationObsolete
  1. Replaces the spec file content with the 'a deprecated Advanced Search migration' shared example.
  2. Randomly selects a Global Search backend engineer as an assignee.
  3. Updates the dictionary file to mark the migration as obsolete.

The MR assignee must:

  1. Ensure the dictionary file has the correct marked_obsolete_by_url and marked_obsolete_in_milestone.
  2. Verify that no references to the migration or spec files exist in the .rubocop_todo/ directory.
  3. Remove any logic-handling backwards compatibility for this migration by looking for Elastic::DataMigrationService.migration_has_finished?(:migration_name_in_lowercase).
  4. Push any required changes to the merge request.

Process for removing obsolete migrations

Run the Keeps::DeleteObsoleteAdvancedSearchMigrations Keep manually to remove obsolete migrations and specs. The Keep removes all but the most recent obsolete migration.

  1. Select obsolete migrations that were marked as obsolete before the last required stop.
  2. If the first step includes all obsolete migrations, keep one obsolete migration as a safeguard for customers with unapplied migrations.
  3. Delete migration files and spec files for those migrations.
  4. Create a merge request and assign it to a Global Search team member.

The MR assignee must:

  1. Backup migrations from the default branch to the migration graveyard
  2. Verify that no references to the migration or spec files exist in the .rubocop_todo/ directory.
  3. Push any required changes to the merge request.