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Push rules development guidelines

This document was created to help contributors understand the code design of push rules. You should read this document before making changes to the code for this feature.

This document is intentionally limited to an overview of how the code is designed, as code can change often. To understand how a specific part of the feature works, view the code and the specs. The details here explain how the major components of the push rules feature work.

This document should be updated when parts of the codebase referenced in this document are updated, removed, or new parts are added.

Business logic

The business logic is contained in two main places. The PushRule model stores the settings for a rule and then we have checks that use those settings to change the push behavior.

  • PushRule: the main model used to store the configuration of each push rule.
    • Defined in ee/app/models/push_rule.rb.
  • EE::Gitlab::Checks::DiffCheck: Diff check prevents filenames matching the push rule's file_name_regex and also files with names matching known secret files, for example id_rsa.
    • Defined in ee/lib/ee/gitlab/checks/diff_check.rb.
  • EE::Gitlab::Checks::PushRuleCheck: Executes various push rule checks.
    • Defined in ee/lib/ee/gitlab/checks/push_rule_check.rb.
  • EE::Gitlab::Checks::PushRules::BranchCheck: Executes push rule checks related to branch rules.
    • Defined in ee/lib/ee/gitlab/checks/push_rules/branch_check.rb.
  • EE::Gitlab::Checks::PushRules::CommitCheck: Executes push rule checks related to commit rules.
    • Defined in ee/lib/ee/gitlab/checks/push_rules/commit_check.rb.
  • EE::Gitlab::Checks::PushRules::FileSizeCheck: Executes push rule checks related to file size rules.
    • Defined in ee/lib/ee/gitlab/checks/push_rules/file_size_check.rb.
  • EE::Gitlab::Checks::PushRules::TagCheck: Executes push rule checks related to tag rules.
    • Defined in ee/lib/ee/gitlab/checks/push_rules/tag_check.rb.


The following controllers and APIs are all entrypoints into the push rules logic:

  • Admin::PushRulesController: This controller is used to manage the global push rule.
  • Group::PushRulesController: This controller is used to manage the group-level push rule.
  • Project::PushRulesController: This controller is used to manage the project-level push rule.
  • Api::Internal::Base: This /internal/allowed endpoint is called when pushing to GitLab over SSH to ensure the user is allowed to push. The /internal/allowed endpoint performs a Gitlab::Checks::DiffCheck. In EE, this includes push rules checks.
    • Defined in lib/api/internal/base.rb.
  • Repositories::GitHttpController: When changes are pushed to GitLab over HTTP, the controller performs an access check to ensure the user is allowed to push. The checks perform a Gitlab::Checks::DiffCheck. In EE, this includes push rules checks.
    • Defined in app/controllers/repositories/git_http_controller.rb.


These flowcharts should help explain the flow from the controllers down to the models for different features.

Git push over SSH

%%{init: { "fontFamily": "GitLab Sans" }}%%
graph TD
  Repositories::GitHttpController --> Gitlab::GitAccess
  Api::Internal::Base --> Gitlab::GitAccess
  Gitlab::GitAccess --> Gitlab::Checks::ChangesAccess
  Gitlab::Checks::ChangesAccess --> Gitlab::Checks::SingleChangeAccess
  Gitlab::Checks::ChangesAccess --> EE::Gitlab::Checks::PushRuleCheck
  Gitlab::Checks::SingleChangeAccess --> Gitlab::Checks::DiffCheck
  EE::Gitlab::Checks::PushRuleCheck -->|Only if pushing to a tag| EE::Gitlab::Checks::PushRules::TagCheck
  EE::Gitlab::Checks::PushRuleCheck -->|Only if pushing to a branch| EE::Gitlab::Checks::PushRules::BranchCheck
  EE::Gitlab::Checks::PushRuleCheck --> EE::Gitlab::Checks::PushRules::FileSizeCheck

The PushRuleCheck only triggers checks in parallel if the parallel_push_checks feature flag is enabled. Otherwise tag or branch check runs first, then file size.