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GitLab /help

Every GitLab instance includes documentation at /help ( that matches the version of the instance. For example,

The documentation available online at is deployed every hour from the default branch of GitLab, Omnibus, Runner, Charts, and Operator. After a merge request that updates documentation is merged, it is available online in an hour or less.

However, it's only available at /help on GitLab Self-Managed instances in the next released version. The date an update is merged can impact which GitLab Self-Managed release the update is present in.

For example:

  1. A merge request in gitlab updates documentation. It has a milestone of 14.4, with an expected release date of 2021-10-22.
  2. It is merged on 2021-10-19 and available online the same day at
  3. GitLab 14.4 is released on 2021-10-22, based on the gitlab codebase from 2021-10-18 (one day before the update was merged).
  4. The change shows up in the 14.5 GitLab Self-Managed release, due to missing the release cutoff for 14.4.

If it is important that a documentation update is present in that month's release, merge it as early as possible.

Page mapping

Requests to /help can be redirected. If redirection is turned off, /help maps requests for help pages to specific files in the doc directory. For example:

  • Requested URLs: <gdk_instance>/help/topics/, <gdk_instance>/help/topics/plan_and_track.html and <gdk_instance>/help/topics/plan_and_track.
  • Mapping: doc/topics/ files

Version history

  • Support for files introduced in GitLab 16.10.

The Hugo static site generator makes use of files. To allow for index pages to be named either or in /help, GitLab maps requests for, index.html, or index:

  • To if the file exists at the requested location.
  • Otherwise, to

For example:

  • Requested URLs: <gdk_instance>/help/user/, <gdk_instance>/help/user/index.html, and <gdk_instance>/help/user/index.
  • Mapping:
    • doc/user/ if it exists.
    • Otherwise, to doc/user/

Linking to /help

When you're building a new feature, you may need to link to the documentation from the GitLab application. This is usually done in files inside the app/views/ directory, with the help of the help_page_path helper method.

The help_page_path contains the path to the document you want to link to, with the following conventions:

  • It's relative to the doc/ directory in the GitLab repository.
  • For clarity, it should end with the .md file extension.

The help text follows the Pajamas guidelines.

Linking to /help in HAML

Use the following special cases depending on the context, ensuring all link text is inside _() so it can be translated:

  • Linking to a doc page. In its most basic form, the HAML code to generate a link to the /help page is:

    = link_to _('Learn more.'), help_page_path('user/'), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
  • Linking to an anchor link. Use anchor as part of the help_page_path method:

    = link_to _('Learn more.'), help_page_path('user/', anchor: 'anchor-link'), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
  • Using links inline of some text. First, define the link, and then use it. In this example, link_start is the name of the variable that contains the link:

    - link = link_to('', help_page_path('user/'), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer')
    %p= safe_format(_("This is a text describing the option/feature in a sentence. %{link_start}Learn more.%{link_end}"), tag_pair(link, :link_start, :link_end))
  • Using a button link. Useful in places where text would be out of context with the rest of the page layout:

    = render help_page_path('user/group/import/'), target: '_blank') do
        = _('Learn more')

Linking to /help in JavaScript

To link to the documentation from a JavaScript or a Vue component, use the helpPagePath function from help_page_helper.js:

import { helpPagePath } from '~/helpers/help_page_helper';

helpPagePath('user/', { anchor: 'anchor-link' })
// evaluates to '/help/user/permissions#anchor-link' for

This is preferred over static paths, as the helper also works on instances installed under a relative URL.

Linking to /help in Ruby

To link to the documentation from within Ruby code, use the following code block as a guide, ensuring all link text is inside _() so it can be translated:

docs_link = link_to _('Learn more.'), help_page_url('user/', anchor: 'anchor-link'), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
safe_format(_('This is a text describing the option/feature in a sentence. %{docs_link}'), docs_link: docs_link)

In cases where you need to generate a link from outside of views/helpers, where the link_to and help_page_url methods are not available, use the following code block as a guide where the methods are fully qualified:

docs_link = ActionController::Base.helpers.link_to _('Learn more.'), Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.help_page_url('user/', anchor: 'anchor-link'), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer'
safe_format(_('This is a text describing the option/feature in a sentence. %{docs_link}'), docs_link: docs_link)

Do not use include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper just to make the link_to method available as you might see in some existing code. Read more in issue 340567.

/help tests

Several RSpec tests are run to ensure GitLab documentation renders and works correctly. In particular, that main docs landing page works correctly from /help. For example,'s /help.